The Societies Registration Act 1860
(Act XXI of 1960 being an Act for the
Registration of Literary, Scientific and
Charitable Societies)

The name of the Society “SHERAB SANGPO SOCIETY” is (hereinafter referred to as “The Society”), which may be changed subject to all the members of the Governing Body unanimously deciding to do so.

The Registered Office of the Society is D-16/C (Basement Rear Portion). Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016.
The primary objects for which the Society is established are:

1) To render humanitarian services by establishing health care centers, old age home, educational centers etc.
2) To work for the betterment of weaker sections viz. SC/ST, women, children, senior citizens and disabled etc with a vision of social justice.
3) To inculcate mass awareness about the need for living in harmony with nature and prevent destruction to nature.
4) To develop a spirit of voluntarism among the youth and to organize them into different task forces, strengthen their capacity and to ensure their participation in disaster management
5) To work towards prevention of cruelty to animals and secure their welfare.
6) To work towards promotion and development of humbleness (good heart) along with imparting wisdom of modern science and technology.
7) To strengthen harmony and brotherhood through proper understanding of truth and morality, compassion and love.
8) To conduct spiritual discourses, meditation classes, yoga etc to strengthen the mind to resist the stress and sufferings.
9) To establish dharamsala(s) and short stay homes to facilitate stay of visitors/pilgrims.
10) To establish hostels for the needy and helpless students to support their higher studies.
11) To preserve and protect the monasteries, Monuments, Manuscripts and Artifacts and objects.
12) To take up social and cultural activities to preserve and promote the rich culture and tradition to cope up with the challenges of globalization and modernization.
13) To take up capacity building programs like work shop, seminars, conference, short term courses etc.
14) To find out the hidden talents and traditional knowledge and skills of the local and fine tune for the benefit of the society.
15) To undertake research and publication works.
16) To seek affiliation and federation with other organizations having similar objects.
17) To provide land and building for the Society and to construct, demolish or alter any building which may be necessary or expedient for its objects.
18) To create teaching, administrative, technical, ministerial spiritual and other posts and to appoint, promote, remove, dismiss or reduce in rank any employee of the Society.
19) To purchase, take on lease or accept as gift or otherwise acquire, transfer, surrender, give on lease or otherwise alienate any real or personal or rights or privileges attaching there to which may be necessary or convenient for its purposes.
20) To invest funds belonging to the Society in such property and or securities as are authorized by law for the investment of trust funds or such classes of securities as may be from time to time.
21) To borrow or raise money for the fulfillment of the object of the Society with or without security by creating a charge, loan or mortgage, on whole or part of its properties, assets, rights or privileges on such
terms and conditions to such extend as may be determined by the Society from time to time.
22) To award fellowships, scholarships, prizes and medals in accordance with the rules and bye-laws of the Society and to provide sponsorships for deserving students to study at national and international level.
23) To frame rules, regulations and bye-laws for the administration of the Society.
24) To appoint Committee or Sub-Committees as may be expedient in executing the work of the Society.
25) To prescribe, demand and collect fees and other charges in accordance with the rules and bye-laws of the Society.
26) To do all such other acts and things incidental and ancillary to attainment of the objects specified above as may be expedient for the functions of the Society as a cultural institution.
27) All income, Earnings, moveable and immoveable property shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its objects only as set forth in the memorandum of association and no profit thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends. Bonus profit or any manner whatsoever to the person claiming through any one or more of the present or past members. No members shall have any personal claim on any moveable or immoveable property or make any profit whatsoever by virtue of membership.

President ……. …….Secretary Gen……….. …….Treasurer……………